
Digital Marketing Guide: 5 Ways to do Content Marketing More Efficiently

Content marketing leads to business value!  It is the process of creating valuable content to engage your audience. It represents the gap between what the brand produces and what our audience is looking for. However, a lot of people have unhappy experiences with content marketing. Most of the time, they find it time-consuming to create content themselves, while it is difficult to delegate the task due to the prerequisite of industry knowledge. In this article, we will go through 5 tips that can help you to create content more efficiently!  

Framework is essential for content creation.

We have been taught to outline the framework of our content first before writing since childhood. To write a blog efficiently, it is essential to set up a framework for your article. You need to figure out the objective of your content, whom you are writing to, the subtopics of the whole article, and the structure of the whole piece of content.  

If you are writing for the sake of writing, very quickly, you will find yourself losing direction and momentum. What’s worse is that your content might be completely irrelevant to your original objective. That’s why it was vital that you set up the framework before you write your blog posts.  

set up the framework before you write your blog posts

Content Marketing Tip #2: Finish the post in one go

From our experiences, it is extremely important to keep the momentum high when writing a post. Minimize the distractions around you when you are writing. Leave your phone alone and focus on writing based on your framework. For me, my attention span is capped at 90 minutes. Most of the time, my writing efficiency will plummet at the 90 minutes mark. That is why I will stop writing and save the rest of the article for the next writing session. It is important that you do not force yourself to write if you are out-of-focus because you are just churning out meaningless words if you are not at the top of your game.

Content Marketing Tip #3: Produce assets later

Instead of drafting the article and working on article assets (e.g., thumbnails, videos) at the same time, try to annotate where the assets should go, and then work on them later. Humans were bad at multitasking. Always on making the content first, and the assets later.

Content Marketing Tip #4: Stop pondering

It is very common for writers to ponder upon a certain part of the article because they want the whole piece to be “perfect”. You should stop trying to polish every single word while you are writing. Save the editing part for later. Focus on finishing the first draft. My usual practice was to highlight everything that I think might need some polish. Once I have finished the first draft, the article will be reviewed.

stop trying to polish every single word while you are writing

Content Marketing Tip #5: Revise your content

Don’t publish your content right away after you have finished the first review.  If possible, it’s always better to find someone else to proofread your work again. You will find out there is a lot of room for improvement if you read your draft again the day after writing your blog post. If your work seems error-free after multiple reviews, it is safe to assume that your article can be published!  

SEO is an important factor when you are drafting your blog posts.

Bonus Tip: Write for the people, not the search engine.

Without a doubt, SEO is an important factor when you are drafting your blog posts. However, the objective of our blog posts was to address the problems faced by our readers. SEO is just a complementary component of our writing framework.  

We will not focus on finding the keyword with the highest search volume. What we focus on instead is writing keywords that are relevant to the problems faced by our readers.  

We hope that you will find producing content for your readers a lot more doable after reading this article.  

Picture of Rem Chiu

Rem Chiu

Ms Rem Chiu is the co-founder of MORE Digital, and has over 10 years experience in Digital Marketing. Rem and her team are specializes in helping brands to maximize exposure, building awareness, reaching potential customers and increasing revenues via digital marketing solutions. They have created over 160+ articles and 40+ videos on digital marketing knowledge, through content marketing they have accumulated more than 1 million website visits in 3 years time. Their existing clients include Property developer, Shopping Malls and Global brands.

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